Friday, September 11, 2009

Beauty to be appreciated in nature

At Countryman’s Village Jewelers, we’ve been designing jewelry for over thirty years.  It’s been interesting to see the changes in that time period. 
People wanted jewelry designed using the big four, diamonds, rubies, emeralds, and sapphires.  These are the precious stones because of their rarity, beauty and durability not to mention popularity. These stones will always be highly valued and enjoyed as they should be. 

Over the years we’ve seen a more open mind to our ideas of beauty, color and design, this more inclusive point of view has opened up a whole new avenue of stone material.  There is a move to enjoying things that have a more organic handmade feel.  This feeling embraces the idea that “imperfections” found in nature are like art. 
Marie Countryman is bringing her creative eye and energy to these fabulous stones that she’s been appreciating for years.  Enjoy the wonderful collection below and then come in and view them in person.